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Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2 Namespace Reference


Binary function detection.

This namespace consists of two major parts and a number of smaller parts. The major parts are:


namespace  AllowParallelEdges
 Flag whether to allow parallel edges in a graph.
namespace  DataFlow
 Data-flow utilities.
namespace  GraphViz
 Support for generating and reading GraphViz output.
namespace  Modules
 Miscellaneous supporting functions for disassembly.
namespace  ModulesElf
 Disassembly and partitioning utility functions for ELF.
namespace  ModulesJvm
 Disassembly and partitioning utility functions for JVM.
namespace  ModulesLinux
 Disassembly and partitioning utilities for Linux.
namespace  ModulesM68k
 Disassembly and partitioning utility functions for M68k.
namespace  ModulesMips
 Disassembly and partitioning utility functions for MIPS.
namespace  ModulesPe
 Disassembly and partitioning utilities for PE files.
namespace  ModulesPowerpc
 Disassembly and partitioning utilities for PowerPC.
namespace  ModulesX86
 Disassembly and partitioning utilities for Intel x86 and amd64.
namespace  Precision
 Level of precision for analysis.
namespace  Semantics
 Instruction semantics for the partitioner.


class  AddressConfiguration
 Configuration for individual addresses. More...
class  AddressIntervalParser
 Parse an address interval. More...
class  AddressUsageMap
 Address usage map. More...
class  AddressUser
 Address usage item. More...
class  AddressUsers
 List of virtual address users. More...
struct  AstConstructionSettings
 Settings that control building the AST. More...
struct  BasePartitionerSettings
 Settings that directly control a partitioner. More...
class  BasicBlock
 Basic block information. More...
class  BasicBlockCallback
 Base class for adjusting basic blocks during discovery. More...
class  BasicBlockConfiguration
 Configuration information for a basic block. More...
class  BasicBlockError
class  BasicBlockSemantics
 Information related to instruction semantics. More...
class  BasicBlockSuccessor
 Basic block successor. More...
class  CfgAdjustmentCallback
 Base class for CFG-adjustment callbacks. More...
class  CfgEdge
 Control flow graph edge. More...
class  CfgPath
 A path through a control flow graph. More...
class  CfgVertex
 Control flow graph vertex. More...
class  Configuration
 Holds configuration information. More...
class  DataBlock
 Data block information. More...
class  DataBlockConfiguration
 Configuration information for a data block. More...
class  DataBlockError
struct  DisassemblerSettings
 Settings that control the disassembler. More...
class  Engine
 Base class for engines driving the partitioner. More...
class  EngineBinary
 Engine for specimens containing machine instructions. More...
class  EngineJvm
 Engine for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) specimens. More...
struct  EngineSettings
 Settings for controling the engine behavior. More...
class  Exception
class  FileError
class  Function
 Describes one function. More...
class  FunctionCallGraph
 Function call information. More...
class  FunctionConfiguration
 Configuration information for a function. More...
class  FunctionError
class  FunctionPaddingMatcher
 Base class for matching function padding. More...
class  FunctionPrologueMatcher
 Base class for matching function prologues. More...
class  Inliner
 Binary inliner. More...
class  InstructionMatcher
 Base class for matching an instruction pattern. More...
struct  LoaderSettings
 Settings for loading specimens. More...
class  Partitioner
 Partitions instructions into basic blocks and functions. More...
struct  PartitionerSettings
 Settings that control the engine partitioning. More...
class  PlaceholderError
class  Reference
 Reference to a function, basic block, instruction, or address. More...
struct  ThunkDetection
 Return type for thunk detectors. More...
class  ThunkPredicates
 List of thunk predicates. More...
class  Trigger
 Trigger based on number of times called. More...


using BasicBlockPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< BasicBlock >
 Shared-ownersip pointer for BasicBlock.
using BasicBlockCallbackPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< BasicBlockCallback >
 Shared ownership pointer.
using BasicBlockSuccessors = std::vector< BasicBlockSuccessor >
 All successors in no particular order.
using ControlFlowGraph = Sawyer::Container::Graph< CfgVertex, CfgEdge >
 Control flow graph.
using DataBlockPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< DataBlock >
 Shared-ownership pointer for DataBlock.
using EnginePtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< Engine >
 Shared-ownership pointer for Engine.
using EngineBinaryPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< EngineBinary >
 Shared-ownership pointer for EngineBinary.
using EngineJvmPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< EngineJvm >
 Shared-ownership pointer for EngineJvm.
using FunctionPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< Function >
 Shared-ownership pointer for Function.
using Functions = Sawyer::Container::Map< rose_addr_t, FunctionPtr >
 Mapping from address to function.
using FunctionPaddingMatcherPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< FunctionPaddingMatcher >
 Shared ownership pointer.
using FunctionPrologueMatcherPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< FunctionPrologueMatcher >
 Shared ownership pointer.
using FunctionSet = Sawyer::Container::Set< FunctionPtr >
 Set of functions.
using PartitionerPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< Partitioner >
 Shared-ownership pointer for Partitioner.
using PartitionerConstPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< const Partitioner >
 Shared-ownership pointer for Partitioner.
using ReferenceSet = std::set< Reference >
 Set of references.
using CrossReferences = Sawyer::Container::Map< Reference, ReferenceSet >
 Cross references.
using ThunkPredicatesPtr = Sawyer::SharedPointer< ThunkPredicates >
 Shared-ownership pointer for ThunkPredicates.
typedef Sawyer::Container::HashMap< rose_addr_t, ControlFlowGraph::VertexIterator > CfgVertexIndex
 Mapping from basic block starting address to CFG vertex.
typedef Sawyer::Container::GraphIteratorBiMap< ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator, ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator > CfgVertexMap
 Map vertices from one CFG to another CFG and vice versa.
typedef ThunkDetection(* ThunkPredicate) (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &)
 Function signature for finding thunks.
typedef std::list< ControlFlowGraph::VertexIterator > CfgVertexList
 List of CFG vertex pointers.
typedef std::list< ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator > CfgConstVertexList
 List of CFG vertex pointers.
typedef std::list< ControlFlowGraph::EdgeIterator > CfgEdgeList
 List of CFG edge pointers.
typedef std::list< ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator > CfgConstEdgeList
 List of CFG edge pointers.
typedef Sawyer::Container::GraphIteratorSet< ControlFlowGraph::VertexIterator > CfgVertexSet
 Set of CFG vertex pointers.
typedef Sawyer::Container::GraphIteratorSet< ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator > CfgConstVertexSet
 Set of CFG vertex pointers.
typedef Sawyer::Container::GraphIteratorSet< ControlFlowGraph::EdgeIterator > CfgEdgeSet
 Set of CFG edge pointers.
typedef Sawyer::Container::GraphIteratorSet< ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator > CfgConstEdgeSet
 Set of CFG edge pointers.


enum  VertexType {
 Partitioner control flow vertex types. More...
enum  EdgeType {
  E_NORMAL = 0x00000001 ,
  E_FUNCTION_CALL = 0x00000002 ,
  E_FUNCTION_RETURN = 0x00000004 ,
  E_CALL_RETURN = 0x00000008 ,
  E_FUNCTION_XFER = 0x00000010 ,
  E_USER_DEFINED = 0x00000020
 Partitioner control flow edge types. More...
enum  Confidence {
 How sure are we of something. More...
enum  SemanticMemoryParadigm {
 Organization of semantic memory. More...
enum  MemoryDataAdjustment {
 How the partitioner should globally treat memory. More...
enum  FunctionReturnAnalysis {
 Controls whether the function may-return analysis runs. More...


CfgConstEdgeSet findPathReachableEdges (const ControlFlowGraph &graph, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet(), bool avoidCallsAndReturns=false)
 Find edges that are reachable.
CfgConstEdgeSet findPathUnreachableEdges (const ControlFlowGraph &graph, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet(), bool avoidCallsAndReturns=false)
 Find edges that are unreachable.
size_t eraseUnreachablePaths (ControlFlowGraph &graph, CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices, CfgVertexMap &vmap, CfgPath &path)
 Remove edges and vertices that cannot be on the paths.
void findPaths (const ControlFlowGraph &srcCfg, ControlFlowGraph &paths, CfgVertexMap &vmap, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet(), bool avoidCallsAndReturns=false)
 Compute all paths.
void findPaths (const ControlFlowGraph &srcCfg, ControlFlowGraph &paths, CfgVertexMap &vmap, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet(), bool avoidCallsAndReturns=false)
 Compute all paths.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CfgPath &path)
bool sortEdgesBySrc (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &)
 Sort edges by source vertex address.
bool sortEdgesByDst (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &)
 Sort edges by target vertex address.
bool sortEdgesById (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator &)
 Sort edges by edge ID number.
bool sortVerticesByAddress (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &)
 Sort vertices by address.
bool sortVerticesById (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &)
 Sort vertices by vertex ID number.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ControlFlowGraph::Vertex &)
 Print control flow graph vertex.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ControlFlowGraph::Edge &)
 Print control flow graph edge.
void insertCfg (ControlFlowGraph &dst, const ControlFlowGraph &src, CfgVertexMap &vmap)
 Insert one control flow graph into another.
CfgConstEdgeSet findBackEdges (const ControlFlowGraph &cfg, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &begin)
 Find back edges.
CfgConstEdgeSet findCallEdges (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &callSite)
 Find function call edges.
CfgConstVertexSet findCalledFunctions (const ControlFlowGraph &cfg, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &callSite)
 Find called functions.
CfgConstVertexSet findFunctionReturns (const ControlFlowGraph &cfg, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &beginVertex)
 Find all function return vertices.
void eraseEdges (ControlFlowGraph &, const CfgConstEdgeSet &toErase)
 Erase multiple edges.
CfgConstVertexSet findIncidentVertices (const CfgConstEdgeSet &)
 Vertices that are incident to specified edges.
CfgConstVertexSet forwardMapped (const CfgConstVertexSet &, const CfgVertexMap &)
 Return corresponding iterators.
CfgConstVertexSet reverseMapped (const CfgConstVertexSet &, const CfgVertexMap &)
 Return corresponding iterators.
void expandFunctionReturnEdges (const PartitionerConstPtr &, ControlFlowGraph &cfg)
 Rewrite function return edges.
ControlFlowGraph functionCfgByErasure (const ControlFlowGraph &gcfg, const FunctionPtr &function, ControlFlowGraph::VertexIterator &entry)
 Generate a function control flow graph.
ControlFlowGraph functionCfgByReachability (const ControlFlowGraph &gcfg, const FunctionPtr &function, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &gcfgEntry)
 Generate a function control flow graph.
ThunkDetection isX86JmpImmThunk (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &)
 Test whether x86 instructions begin with "jmp ADDRESS".
ThunkDetection isX86JmpMemThunk (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &)
 Test whether x86 instruction begin with "jmp [ADDRESS]".
ThunkDetection isX86LeaJmpThunk (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &)
 Test whether x86 instructions begin with an LEA JMP pair.
ThunkDetection isX86MovJmpThunk (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &)
 Test whether x86 instructions begin with "mov R, [ADDR]; jmp R".
ThunkDetection isX86AddJmpThunk (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &)
 Test whether x86 instructions begin with "add R, C; jmp ADDR".
void splitThunkFunctions (const PartitionerPtr &, const ThunkPredicates::Ptr &)
 Split thunks off from start of functions.
void initDiagnostics ()
bool sortBasicBlocksByAddress (const BasicBlockPtr &, const BasicBlockPtr &)
bool sortDataBlocks (const DataBlockPtr &, const DataBlockPtr &)
bool sortFunctionsByAddress (const FunctionPtr &, const FunctionPtr &)
bool sortFunctionNodesByAddress (const SgAsmFunction *, const SgAsmFunction *)
bool sortByExpression (const BasicBlockSuccessor &, const BasicBlockSuccessor &)
bool sortBlocksForAst (SgAsmBlock *, SgAsmBlock *)
bool sortInstructionsByAddress (SgAsmInstruction *, SgAsmInstruction *)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Container::const_iterator lowerBound (const Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Container::iterator lowerBound (Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Value , class Comparator >
bool equalUnique (const Value &a, const Value &b, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
bool insertUnique (Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
void replaceOrInsert (Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
bool eraseUnique (Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
bool existsUnique (const Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Sawyer::Optional< Value > getUnique (const Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Sawyer::Optional< Value > getOrInsertUnique (Container &container, const Value &item, Comparator cmp)
template<class Container , class Comparator >
bool isSupersetUnique (const Container &sup, const Container &sub, Comparator lessThan)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const AddressUser &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const AddressUsers &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const AddressUsageMap &)
AddressIntervalParser::Ptr addressIntervalParser (AddressInterval &storage)
AddressIntervalParser::Ptr addressIntervalParser (std::vector< AddressInterval > &storage)
AddressIntervalParser::Ptr addressIntervalParser (AddressIntervalSet &storage)
AddressIntervalParser::Ptr addressIntervalParser ()
size_t serialNumber ()
 Return the next serial number.
boost::logic::tribool hasAnyCalleeReturn (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &)
 May-return status for function callees.
bool hasCallReturnEdges (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &)
 Test whether vertex has at least one call-return edge.
std::vector< bool > findPathEdges (const ControlFlowGraph &graph, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet(), bool avoidCallsAndReturns=false)
 Finds edges that can be part of some path.
std::vector< bool > findPathEdges (const ControlFlowGraph &graph, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet(), bool avoidCallsAndReturns=false)
 Finds edges that can be part of some path.
void findFunctionPaths (const ControlFlowGraph &srcCfg, ControlFlowGraph &paths, CfgVertexMap &vmap, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet())
 Compute all paths within one function.
void findFunctionPaths (const ControlFlowGraph &srcCfg, ControlFlowGraph &paths, CfgVertexMap &vmap, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet())
 Compute all paths within one function.
void findInterFunctionPaths (const ControlFlowGraph &srcCfg, ControlFlowGraph &paths, CfgVertexMap &vmap, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet())
 Compute all paths across function calls and returns.
void findInterFunctionPaths (const ControlFlowGraph &srcCfg, ControlFlowGraph &paths, CfgVertexMap &vmap, const CfgConstVertexSet &beginVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &endVertices, const CfgConstVertexSet &avoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &avoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet())
 Compute all paths across function calls and returns.
bool inlineMultipleCallees (ControlFlowGraph &paths, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsCallSite, const ControlFlowGraph &cfg, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgCallSite, const CfgConstVertexSet &cfgAvoidVertices=CfgConstVertexSet(), const CfgConstEdgeSet &cfgAvoidEdges=CfgConstEdgeSet(), std::vector< ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator > *newEdges=nullptr)
 Inline a function at the specified call site.
bool inlineOneCallee (ControlFlowGraph &paths, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &pathsCallSite, const ControlFlowGraph &cfg, const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &cfgCallTarget, const CfgConstVertexSet &cfgAvoidVertices, const CfgConstEdgeSet &cfgAvoidEdges, std::vector< ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator > *newVertices=nullptr)
 Inline a function at the specified call site.
CfgConstEdgeSet findCallReturnEdges (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const ControlFlowGraph &)
 Return outgoing call-return edges.
CfgConstEdgeSet findCallReturnEdges (const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &callSite)
 Return outgoing call-return edges.
Sawyer::Container::Map< FunctionPtr, CfgConstEdgeSetfindFunctionReturnEdges (const PartitionerConstPtr &)
 Find function return edges organized by function.
Sawyer::Container::Map< FunctionPtr, CfgConstEdgeSetfindFunctionReturnEdges (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const ControlFlowGraph &)
 Find function return edges organized by function.
CfgConstVertexSet findDetachedVertices (const ControlFlowGraph &)
 Find vertices that have zero degree.
CfgConstVertexSet findDetachedVertices (const CfgConstVertexSet &vertices)
 Find vertices that have zero degree.


Sawyer::Message::Facility mlog

Typedef Documentation

◆ BasicBlockPtr

Shared-ownersip pointer for BasicBlock.

Definition at line 659 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ BasicBlockCallbackPtr

Shared ownership pointer.

Definition at line 664 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ BasicBlockSuccessors

All successors in no particular order.

Definition at line 667 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ ControlFlowGraph

Control flow graph.

Definition at line 675 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ DataBlockPtr

Shared-ownership pointer for DataBlock.

Definition at line 680 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ EnginePtr

Shared-ownership pointer for Engine.

Definition at line 685 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ EngineBinaryPtr

Shared-ownership pointer for EngineBinary.

Definition at line 688 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ EngineJvmPtr

Shared-ownership pointer for EngineJvm.

Definition at line 691 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ FunctionPtr

Shared-ownership pointer for Function.

Shared-ownership pointer for function.

Definition at line 696 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ Functions

Mapping from address to function.

Definition at line 698 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ FunctionPaddingMatcherPtr

Shared ownership pointer.

Definition at line 703 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ FunctionPrologueMatcherPtr

Shared ownership pointer.

Definition at line 706 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ FunctionSet

Set of functions.

Definition at line 708 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ PartitionerPtr

Shared-ownership pointer for Partitioner.

Definition at line 713 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ PartitionerConstPtr

Shared-ownership pointer for Partitioner.

Definition at line 714 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ ReferenceSet

Set of references.

Definition at line 719 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ CrossReferences

Cross references.

Definition at line 720 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ ThunkPredicatesPtr

Shared-ownership pointer for ThunkPredicates.

Definition at line 723 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ CfgVertexIndex

typedef Sawyer::Container::HashMap<rose_addr_t, ControlFlowGraph::VertexIterator> Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::CfgVertexIndex

Mapping from basic block starting address to CFG vertex.

Definition at line 198 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgVertexList

typedef std::list<ControlFlowGraph::VertexIterator> Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::CfgVertexList

List of CFG vertex pointers.

Definition at line 203 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgConstVertexList

typedef std::list<ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator> Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::CfgConstVertexList

List of CFG vertex pointers.

Definition at line 204 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgEdgeList

typedef std::list<ControlFlowGraph::EdgeIterator> Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::CfgEdgeList

List of CFG edge pointers.

Definition at line 210 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgConstEdgeList

typedef std::list<ControlFlowGraph::ConstEdgeIterator> Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::CfgConstEdgeList

List of CFG edge pointers.

Definition at line 211 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgVertexSet

Set of CFG vertex pointers.

Definition at line 217 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgConstVertexSet

Set of CFG vertex pointers.

Definition at line 218 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgEdgeSet

Set of CFG edge pointers.

Definition at line 224 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgConstEdgeSet

Set of CFG edge pointers.

Definition at line 225 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ CfgVertexMap

typedef Sawyer::Container::GraphIteratorBiMap<ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator, ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator> Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::CfgVertexMap

Map vertices from one CFG to another CFG and vice versa.

Definition at line 230 of file ControlFlowGraph.h.

◆ ThunkPredicate

typedef ThunkDetection(* Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::ThunkPredicate) (const PartitionerConstPtr &, const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &)

Function signature for finding thunks.

These functions take a partitioner and a sequence of one or more instructions disassembled from memory and determine if the sequence begins with instructions that look like a thunk of some sort. If they do, then the function returns the number of initial instructions that compose the thunk and the name of the pattern that matched, otherwise it returns zero and an empty string.

Definition at line 81 of file Thunk.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ VertexType

Partitioner control flow vertex types.


A basic block or placeholder for a basic block.


The special "undiscovered" vertex.


Special vertex destination for indeterminate edges.


Special vertex destination for non-existing basic blocks.


User defined vertex.

These vertices don't normally appear in the global control flow graph but might appear in other kinds of graphs that are closely related to a CFG, such as a paths graph.

Definition at line 51 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ EdgeType

Partitioner control flow edge types.


Normal control flow edge, nothing special.


Edge is a function call.


Edge is a function return.

Such edges represent the actual return-to-caller and usually originate from a return instruction (e.g., x86 RET, m68k RTS, etc.).


Edge is a function return from the call site.

Such edges are from a caller basic block to (probably) the fall-through address of the call and don't actually exist directly in the specimen. They represent the fact that the called function eventually returns even if the instructions for the called function are not available to analyze.


Edge is a function call transfer.

A function call transfer is similar to E_FUNCTION_CALL except the entire call frame is transferred to the target function and this function is no longer considered part of the call stack; a return from the target function will skip over this function. Function call transfers most often occur as the edge leaving a thunk.


User defined edge.

These edges don't normally appear in the global control flow graph but might appear in other kinds of graphs that are closely related to a CFG, such as a paths graph.

Definition at line 62 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ Confidence

How sure are we of something.


The value is an assumption without any proof.


The value was somehow proved.

Definition at line 86 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ SemanticMemoryParadigm

Organization of semantic memory.


Precise but slow.


Fast but not precise.

Definition at line 92 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ MemoryDataAdjustment

How the partitioner should globally treat memory.


Treat all memory as if it were constant.

This is accomplished by removing MemoryMap::READABLE from all segments.


Treat all memory as if it were initialized.

This is a little weaker than MEMORY_IS_CONSTANT in that it allows the partitioner to read the value from memory as if it were constant, but also marks the value as being indeterminate. This is accomplished by adding MemoryMap::INITIALIZED to all segments.


Do not make any global changes to the memory map.

Definition at line 179 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

◆ FunctionReturnAnalysis

Controls whether the function may-return analysis runs.


Assume a function returns if the may-return analysis cannot decide whether it may return.


Assume a function cannot return if the may-return analysis cannot decide whether it may return.


Assume that all functions return without ever running the may-return analysis.


Assume that a function cannot return without ever running the may-return analysis.

Definition at line 312 of file Rose/BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/BasicTypes.h.

Function Documentation

◆ findPathEdges() [1/2]

std::vector< bool > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findPathEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph graph,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet(),
bool  avoidCallsAndReturns = false 

Finds edges that can be part of some path.

Returns a Boolean vector indicating whether an edge is significant. An edge is significant if it appears on some path that originates from some vertex in beginVertices and reaches some vertex in endVertices (if endVertices is supplied) but is not a member of avoidEdges and is not incident to any vertex in avoidVertices. An edge is not significant if it is a function call or function return and avoidCallsAndReturns is true.

◆ findPathEdges() [2/2]

std::vector< bool > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findPathEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph graph,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet endVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet(),
bool  avoidCallsAndReturns = false 

Finds edges that can be part of some path.

Returns a Boolean vector indicating whether an edge is significant. An edge is significant if it appears on some path that originates from some vertex in beginVertices and reaches some vertex in endVertices (if endVertices is supplied) but is not a member of avoidEdges and is not incident to any vertex in avoidVertices. An edge is not significant if it is a function call or function return and avoidCallsAndReturns is true.

◆ findPathReachableEdges()

CfgConstEdgeSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findPathReachableEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph graph,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet endVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet(),
bool  avoidCallsAndReturns = false 

Find edges that are reachable.

Finds edges that are part of some path from any of the beginVertices to any of the endVertices. The paths that are considered must not traverse the avoidEdges or avoidVertices.

◆ findPathUnreachableEdges()

CfgConstEdgeSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findPathUnreachableEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph graph,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet endVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet(),
bool  avoidCallsAndReturns = false 

Find edges that are unreachable.

Finds edges that are not part of any path from any of the beginVertices to any of the endVertices. The paths that are considered must not traverse the avoidEdges or avoidVertices.

◆ eraseUnreachablePaths()

size_t Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::eraseUnreachablePaths ( ControlFlowGraph graph,
CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
CfgConstVertexSet endVertices,
CfgVertexMap vmap,
CfgPath path 

Remove edges and vertices that cannot be on the paths.

Removes those edges that aren't reachable in both forward and reverse directions between the specified begin and end vertices. Specified vertices must belong to the graph. After edges are removed, dangling vertices are removed. Vertices and edges are removed from all arguments. Removal of edges from path causes the path to be truncated.

Returns the number of edges that were removed from the path.

◆ findPaths() [1/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findPaths ( const ControlFlowGraph srcCfg,
ControlFlowGraph paths,
CfgVertexMap vmap,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet endVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet(),
bool  avoidCallsAndReturns = false 

Compute all paths.

Computes all paths from any beginVertices to any endVertices if that does not go through any avoidVertices or avoidEdges. The paths are returned as a paths graph (CFG) so that cycles can be represented. A paths graph can represent an exponential number of paths. The paths graph is formed by taking the global CFG and removing all avoidVertices and avoidEdges, any edge that cannot appear on a path from the beginVertex to any endVertices, and any vertex that has degree zero provided it is not one of the beginVertices.

If avoidCallsAndReturns is true then E_FUNCTION_CALL and E_FUNCTION_RETURN edges are not followed. Note that the normal partitioner CFG will have E_CALL_RETURN edges that essentially short circuit a call to a function that might return, and that E_FUNCTION_RETURN edges normally point to the indeterminate vertex rather than concrete return targets.

If the returned graph, paths, is empty then no paths were found. If the returned graph has a vertex but no edges then the vertex serves as both the begin and end of the path (i.e., a single path of unit length). The vmap is updated to indicate the mapping from srcCfg vertices in the corresponding vertices in the returned graph.

◆ findPaths() [2/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findPaths ( const ControlFlowGraph srcCfg,
ControlFlowGraph paths,
CfgVertexMap vmap,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet(),
bool  avoidCallsAndReturns = false 

Compute all paths.

Compute all paths that originate from any beginVertices and do not go through any avoidVertices or avoidEdges. The paths are returned as a paths graph (CFG) so that cycles can be represented. A paths graph can represent an exponential number of paths. The paths graph is formed by taking the global CFG and removing all avoidVertices and avoidEdges, and any vertex that has degree zero provided it is not one of the beginVertices.

If avoidCallsAndReturns is true then E_FUNCTION_CALL and E_FUNCTION_RETURN edges are not followed. Note that the normal partitioner CFG will have E_CALL_RETURN edges that essentially short circuit a call to a function that might return, and that E_FUNCTION_RETURN edges normally point to the indeterminate vertex rather than concrete return targets.

If the returned graph, paths, is empty then no paths were found. If the returned graph has a vertex but no edges then the vertex serves as both the begin and end of the path (i.e., a single path of unit length). The vmap is updated to indicate the mapping from srcCfg vertices in the corresponding vertices in the returned graph.

◆ findFunctionPaths() [1/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findFunctionPaths ( const ControlFlowGraph srcCfg,
ControlFlowGraph paths,
CfgVertexMap vmap,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet() 

Compute all paths within one function.

This is a convenience method for findPaths in a mode that avoids function call and return edges.

◆ findFunctionPaths() [2/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findFunctionPaths ( const ControlFlowGraph srcCfg,
ControlFlowGraph paths,
CfgVertexMap vmap,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet endVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet() 

Compute all paths within one function.

This is a convenience method for findPaths in a mode that avoids function call and return edges.

◆ findInterFunctionPaths() [1/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findInterFunctionPaths ( const ControlFlowGraph srcCfg,
ControlFlowGraph paths,
CfgVertexMap vmap,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet() 

Compute all paths across function calls and returns.

This is a convenience method for findPaths in a mode that follows function call and return edges. Note that in the normal partitioner CFG function return edges point to the indeterminate vertex rather than back to the place the function was called. In order to get call-sensitive paths you'll have to do something else.

◆ findInterFunctionPaths() [2/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findInterFunctionPaths ( const ControlFlowGraph srcCfg,
ControlFlowGraph paths,
CfgVertexMap vmap,
const CfgConstVertexSet beginVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet endVertices,
const CfgConstVertexSet avoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet avoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet() 

Compute all paths across function calls and returns.

This is a convenience method for findPaths in a mode that follows function call and return edges. Note that in the normal partitioner CFG function return edges point to the indeterminate vertex rather than back to the place the function was called. In order to get call-sensitive paths you'll have to do something else.

◆ inlineMultipleCallees()

bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::inlineMultipleCallees ( ControlFlowGraph paths,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  pathsCallSite,
const ControlFlowGraph cfg,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  cfgCallSite,
const CfgConstVertexSet cfgAvoidVertices = CfgConstVertexSet(),
const CfgConstEdgeSet cfgAvoidEdges = CfgConstEdgeSet(),
std::vector< ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator > *  newEdges = nullptr 

Inline a function at the specified call site.

The paths graph is modified in place by inserting an inlined copy of the function(s) called from the specified pathsCallSite vertex. The pathsCallSite only serves as the attachment point–it must have the E_CALL_RETURN edge(s) but does not need any E_FUNCTION_CALL edges. The cfgCallSite is the vertex in the cfg corresponding to the pathsCallSite in the paths graph and provides information about which functions are called.

There are two similar functions: one inlines all the functions called from a particular call site in the CFG, the other inlines one specific function specified by its entry vertex. In the latter case, the CFG doesn't actually need to have an edge to the called function.

Usually, cfgCallSite has one outgoing E_FUNCTION_CALL edge and pathsCallSite (and cfgCallSite) has one outgoing E_CALL_RETURN edge. If the pathsCallSite has no E_CALL_RETURN edge, or the called function has no return sites, this operation is a no-op. A call site may call multiple functions, in which case each is inserted, even if some E_FUNCTION_CALL edges point to the same function. A called function may return to multiple addresses, such as longjmp, in which case multiple E_CALL_RETURN edges may be present–all return sites are linked to all return targets by this operation.

The vertices and edges in the inlined version that correspond to the cfgAvoidEVertices and cfgAvoidEdges are not copied into the paths graph. If this results in the called function having no paths that can return, then that function is not inserted into paths.

The E_CALL_RETURN edges in paths are not erased by this operation, but are usually subsequently erased by the user since they are redundant after this insertion–they represent a short-circuit over the called function(s).

Returns true if some function was inserted, false if no changes were made to paths. If newVertices is non-null then all newly inserted vertices are also pushed onto the end of the vector.

◆ inlineOneCallee()

bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::inlineOneCallee ( ControlFlowGraph paths,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  pathsCallSite,
const ControlFlowGraph cfg,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  cfgCallTarget,
const CfgConstVertexSet cfgAvoidVertices,
const CfgConstEdgeSet cfgAvoidEdges,
std::vector< ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator > *  newVertices = nullptr 

Inline a function at the specified call site.

The paths graph is modified in place by inserting an inlined copy of the function(s) called from the specified pathsCallSite vertex. The pathsCallSite only serves as the attachment point–it must have the E_CALL_RETURN edge(s) but does not need any E_FUNCTION_CALL edges. The cfgCallSite is the vertex in the cfg corresponding to the pathsCallSite in the paths graph and provides information about which functions are called.

There are two similar functions: one inlines all the functions called from a particular call site in the CFG, the other inlines one specific function specified by its entry vertex. In the latter case, the CFG doesn't actually need to have an edge to the called function.

Usually, cfgCallSite has one outgoing E_FUNCTION_CALL edge and pathsCallSite (and cfgCallSite) has one outgoing E_CALL_RETURN edge. If the pathsCallSite has no E_CALL_RETURN edge, or the called function has no return sites, this operation is a no-op. A call site may call multiple functions, in which case each is inserted, even if some E_FUNCTION_CALL edges point to the same function. A called function may return to multiple addresses, such as longjmp, in which case multiple E_CALL_RETURN edges may be present–all return sites are linked to all return targets by this operation.

The vertices and edges in the inlined version that correspond to the cfgAvoidEVertices and cfgAvoidEdges are not copied into the paths graph. If this results in the called function having no paths that can return, then that function is not inserted into paths.

The E_CALL_RETURN edges in paths are not erased by this operation, but are usually subsequently erased by the user since they are redundant after this insertion–they represent a short-circuit over the called function(s).

Returns true if some function was inserted, false if no changes were made to paths. If newVertices is non-null then all newly inserted vertices are also pushed onto the end of the vector.

◆ insertCfg()

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::insertCfg ( ControlFlowGraph dst,
const ControlFlowGraph src,
CfgVertexMap vmap 

Insert one control flow graph into another.

The vmap is updated with the mapping of vertices from source to destination. Upon return, vmap[srcVertex] will point to the corresponding vertex in the destination graph.

◆ findBackEdges()

CfgConstEdgeSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findBackEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph cfg,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  begin 

Find back edges.

Performs a depth-first forward traversal of the cfg beginning at the specified vertex. Any edge encountered which points back to some vertex in the current traversal path is added to the returned edge set.

◆ findCallEdges()

CfgConstEdgeSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findCallEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  callSite)

Find function call edges.

Returns the list of function call edges for the specified vertex.

◆ findCalledFunctions()

CfgConstVertexSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findCalledFunctions ( const ControlFlowGraph cfg,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  callSite 

Find called functions.

Given some vertex in a CFG, return the vertices representing the functions that are called.

◆ findCallReturnEdges() [1/2]

CfgConstEdgeSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findCallReturnEdges ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const ControlFlowGraph  

Return outgoing call-return edges.

A call-return edge represents a short-circuit control flow path across a function call, from the call site to the return target.

If a partitioner and control flow graph are specified, then this returns all edges of type E_CALL_RETURN. If a vertex is specified, then it returns only those call-return edges that emanate from said vertex.

◆ findCallReturnEdges() [2/2]

CfgConstEdgeSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findCallReturnEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  callSite)

Return outgoing call-return edges.

A call-return edge represents a short-circuit control flow path across a function call, from the call site to the return target.

If a partitioner and control flow graph are specified, then this returns all edges of type E_CALL_RETURN. If a vertex is specified, then it returns only those call-return edges that emanate from said vertex.

◆ findFunctionReturns()

CfgConstVertexSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findFunctionReturns ( const ControlFlowGraph cfg,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  beginVertex 

Find all function return vertices.

Returns the list of vertices with outgoing E_FUNCTION_RETURN edges.

◆ findFunctionReturnEdges() [1/2]

Sawyer::Container::Map< FunctionPtr, CfgConstEdgeSet > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findFunctionReturnEdges ( const PartitionerConstPtr )

Find function return edges organized by function.

Finds all control flow graph edges that are function return edges and organizes them according to the function from which they emanate. Note that since a basic block can be shared among several functions (usually just one though), an edge may appear multiple times in the returned map.

If a control flow graph is supplied, it must be compatible with the specified partitioner. If no control flow graph is specified then the partitioner's own CFG is used.

◆ findFunctionReturnEdges() [2/2]

Sawyer::Container::Map< FunctionPtr, CfgConstEdgeSet > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findFunctionReturnEdges ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const ControlFlowGraph  

Find function return edges organized by function.

Finds all control flow graph edges that are function return edges and organizes them according to the function from which they emanate. Note that since a basic block can be shared among several functions (usually just one though), an edge may appear multiple times in the returned map.

If a control flow graph is supplied, it must be compatible with the specified partitioner. If no control flow graph is specified then the partitioner's own CFG is used.

◆ eraseEdges()

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::eraseEdges ( ControlFlowGraph ,
const CfgConstEdgeSet toErase 

Erase multiple edges.

Erases each edge in the toErase set. Upon return, the toErase set's values will all be invalid and should not be dereferenced.

◆ findDetachedVertices() [1/2]

CfgConstVertexSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findDetachedVertices ( const ControlFlowGraph )

Find vertices that have zero degree.

Returns a set of vertices that have no incoming or outgoing edges. If vertices are specified, then limit the return value to the specified vertices; this mode of operation can be significantly faster than scanning the entire graph.

◆ findDetachedVertices() [2/2]

CfgConstVertexSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::findDetachedVertices ( const CfgConstVertexSet vertices)

Find vertices that have zero degree.

Returns a set of vertices that have no incoming or outgoing edges. If vertices are specified, then limit the return value to the specified vertices; this mode of operation can be significantly faster than scanning the entire graph.

◆ forwardMapped()

CfgConstVertexSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::forwardMapped ( const CfgConstVertexSet ,
const CfgVertexMap  

Return corresponding iterators.

Given a set of iterators and a vertex map, return the corresponding iterators by following the forward mapping. Any vertex in the argument that is not present in the mapping is silently ignored.

◆ reverseMapped()

CfgConstVertexSet Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::reverseMapped ( const CfgConstVertexSet ,
const CfgVertexMap  

Return corresponding iterators.

Given a set of iterators and a vertex map, return the corresponding iterators by following the reverse mapping. Any vertex in the argument that is not present in the mapping is silently ignored.

◆ expandFunctionReturnEdges()

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::expandFunctionReturnEdges ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
ControlFlowGraph cfg 

Rewrite function return edges.

Given a graph that has function return edges (E_FUNCTION_RETURN) that point to the indeterminate vertex, replace them with function return edges that point to the return sites. The return sites are the vertices pointed to by the call-return (E_CALL_RETURN) edges emanating from the call sites for said function. The graph is modified in place. The resulting graph will usually have more edges than the original graph.

◆ functionCfgByErasure()

ControlFlowGraph Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::functionCfgByErasure ( const ControlFlowGraph gcfg,
const FunctionPtr function,
ControlFlowGraph::VertexIterator &  entry 

Generate a function control flow graph.

A function control flow graph is created by erasing all parts of the global control flow graph (gcfg) that aren't owned by the specified function. The resulting graph will contain an indeterminate vertex if the global CFG contains an indeterminate vertex and the function has any edges to the indeterminate vertex that are not E_FUNCTION_RETURN edges. In other words, the indeterminate vertex is excluded unless there are things like branches or calls whose target address is a register.

Upon return, the entry iterator points to the vertex of the return value that serves as the function's entry point.

Note that this method of creating a function control flow graph can be slow since it starts with a global control flow graph. It has one benefit over functionCfgByReachability though: it will find all vertices that belong to the function even if they're not reachable from the function's entry point, or even if they're only reachable by traversing through a non-owned vertex.

◆ functionCfgByReachability()

ControlFlowGraph Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::functionCfgByReachability ( const ControlFlowGraph gcfg,
const FunctionPtr function,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  gcfgEntry 

Generate a function control flow graph.

A function control flow graph is created by traversing the specified global control flow grap (gcfg) starting at the specified vertex (gcfgEntry). The traversal follows only vertices that are owned by the specified function, and the indeterminate vertex. The indeterminate vertex is only reachable through edges of types other than E_FUNCTION_RETURN.

The function control flow graph entry point corresponding to gcfgEntry is always vertex number zero in the return value. However, if gcfgEntry points to a vertex not owned by function, or gcfg is empty then the returned graph is also empty.

Note that this method of creating a function control graph can be much faster than functionCfgByErasure since it only traverses part of the global CFG, but the drawback is that the return value won't include vertices that are not reachable from the return value's entry vertex.

◆ isX86JmpImmThunk()

ThunkDetection Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::isX86JmpImmThunk ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &   

Test whether x86 instructions begin with "jmp ADDRESS".

Tries to match "jmp ADDRESS" where ADDRESS is a constant.

◆ isX86JmpMemThunk()

ThunkDetection Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::isX86JmpMemThunk ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &   

Test whether x86 instruction begin with "jmp [ADDRESS]".

Tries to match "jmp [ADDRESS]" where ADDRESS is a constant.

◆ isX86LeaJmpThunk()

ThunkDetection Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::isX86LeaJmpThunk ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &   

Test whether x86 instructions begin with an LEA JMP pair.

Tries to match "lea ecx, [ebp + C]; jmp ADDR" where C and ADDR are constants.

◆ isX86MovJmpThunk()

ThunkDetection Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::isX86MovJmpThunk ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &   

Test whether x86 instructions begin with "mov R, [ADDR]; jmp R".

Tries to match "mov R, [ADDR]; jmp R" where R is a register and ADDR is a constant.

◆ isX86AddJmpThunk()

ThunkDetection Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::isX86AddJmpThunk ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &   

Test whether x86 instructions begin with "add R, C; jmp ADDR".

Tries to match "add R, C; jmp ADDR" where R is one of the cx registers and C and ADDR are constants.

◆ splitThunkFunctions()

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::splitThunkFunctions ( const PartitionerPtr ,
const ThunkPredicates::Ptr  

Split thunks off from start of functions.

Splits as many thunks as possible off the front of all functions currently attached to the partitioner's CFG.

◆ lowerBound() [1/2]

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Container::const_iterator Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::lowerBound ( const Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 47 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ lowerBound() [2/2]

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Container::iterator Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::lowerBound ( Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 52 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ equalUnique()

template<class Value , class Comparator >
bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::equalUnique ( const Value &  a,
const Value &  b,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 59 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ insertUnique()

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::insertUnique ( Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 66 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ replaceOrInsert()

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::replaceOrInsert ( Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 80 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ eraseUnique()

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::eraseUnique ( Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 94 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ existsUnique()

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::existsUnique ( const Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 107 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ getUnique()

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Sawyer::Optional< Value > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::getUnique ( const Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 120 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ getOrInsertUnique()

template<class Container , class Value , class Comparator >
Sawyer::Optional< Value > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::getOrInsertUnique ( Container &  container,
const Value &  item,
Comparator  cmp 

Definition at line 133 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ isSupersetUnique()

template<class Container , class Comparator >
bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::isSupersetUnique ( const Container &  sup,
const Container &  sub,
Comparator  lessThan 

Definition at line 147 of file BinaryAnalysis/Partitioner2/Utility.h.

◆ hasAnyCalleeReturn()

boost::logic::tribool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::hasAnyCalleeReturn ( const PartitionerConstPtr ,
const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &   

May-return status for function callees.

Returns true if any callee may-return is positive; false if all callees are negative; indeterminate if any are indeterminate.

◆ hasCallReturnEdges()

bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Partitioner2::hasCallReturnEdges ( const ControlFlowGraph::ConstVertexIterator &  )

Test whether vertex has at least one call-return edge.

Returns true if the specified vertex has at least one E_CALL_RETURN edge.